
How is the direction of your thoughts? Well, I am asking you it because the thoughts that we cultivate in our minds can make our days better or worse, it's very simple if you think about good things, and try to be able to the good well of time, you will see the life with more clarity and happiness. But, if you choose another way, your life will be more wearing and sad.
Can you control your thoughts all time? I can't. Today I would like to share with you a message that is in the bible, specifically in Hebrew 3.1: " Fix tour thoughts in Jesus." We can't control every emotion and will of our being, but Jesus can. When your fear is coming, remember to fix your thoughts on Jesus. When your heart is breaking for something that you can't control, remember to fix your thoughts in Jesus. Even when your day is so good, fix your thoughts on Jesus. Do trust in Jesus, do remember Jesus, do live to Jesus. This is what I want for my life.♥
